Annual Fire Expo Schedule


Event Details

Day 1 – Monday, April 29th


8:00am – 12:00pm


3rd Floor

AFAA Board of Director’s Meeting

By AFAA Board of Director’s

Open Meeting

Join AFAA’s Board of Director’s and Staff for the latest updates organizational updates. Lunch is not provided.


1:00pm – 2:30pm

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

AFAA Codes & Standards Meeting

By Dr. Shane Clary, Codes & Standards Chair

Open Meeting

Join the Codes & Standards Committee to hear the latest updates.


2:30PM – 4:00pm

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

Fire Protection Research Foundation Detection Committee Meeting

By Jacqueline R. Wilmot, FPRF

Open Meeting

Join the FPRF to hear the latest updates.


1:00PM – 4:30pm

Narragansett Ballroom

1st Floor

Exhibitor Set-Up

Onsite Staff: Alex Strausser

Exhibitors Only

Exhibitors can begin setting up their table. AFAA’s onsite staff contact is Alex Strausser. Please contact her with any questions.


5:00pm – 8:00pm

Narragansett Ballroom

1st Floor

Welcome Reception with Exhibitors

Networking Event

Open to Everyone

Join our Exhibitors and others in the industry at our Welcome Reception. We will have two open bars and food.

Sponsorship opportunity available – contact Alex Strausser today if you are interested in sponsoring this event!

Day 2 – Tuesday, April 30th


7:00am – 8:30am

Narragansett Ballroom

1st Floor

Breakfast with Exhibitors

Networking Event

Open to Everyone

Join our Exhibitors and fuel yourself for the day with breakfast!

Sponsorship opportunity available – contact Alex Strausser today if you are interested in sponsoring this event!


8:30am – 8:45am

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

Opening Remarks

By Tom Parrish, AFAA President

General Session

Join AFAA President, Tom Parrish as he kicks off the day with opening remarks and introduces our Keynote Speaker!


8:45am – 10:15am

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

Keynote Speaker: Lessons from the Station Nightclub Fire

By John Barylick

Education Session

On February 20, 2003, a heavy-metal band set off pyrotechnics inside a run-down roadhouse in Rhode Island called The Station.  Sparks from the pyro struck polyurethane foam on the club’s walls, resulting in a fire which killed 100 persons and injured hundreds more.

The Station Nightclub fire was caused by several bad decisions by the band, club owners, foam manufacturers and the local fire marshal, all of which valued profit over safety.

John Barylick was one of the lead plaintiff attorneys on the civil cases spawned by the fire, and is the author of KILLER SHOW, The Station Nightclub Fire, America’s Deadliest Rock Concert.  John’s presentation explores the multiple causes of the tragedy and the fire science behind each.  It has been embraced by fire service and event-safety professionals throughout the United States and Canada.

1.5 hours of continuing education available.


10:15am – 10:30am

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

Coffee Break

Sponsorship Available

Contact Alex Strausser for more details today!


10:30am – 11:30am

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

Fire Alarm Design with the Autism Spectrum Community in Mind

By John Swanson, NFSA

Education Session

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, autism spectrum impacts one out of every 36 children. Individuals on the autism spectrum are found in school buildings, offices, healthcare facilities, and throughout the built environment. This presentation will outline some considerations for fire alarm design when individuals on the autism spectrum are impacted by the fire alarm signal. We will discuss how a “that’s the way we’ve always done it” approach to fire alarm design doesn’t always work when dealing with individuals on the autism spectrum. The 2025 edition of NFPA 72 will contain new restricted audible mode operation (RAMO) and a summary of the new language will be discussed.

1 hour of continuing education available.


11:30am – 12:15pm

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

Developing a Qualified Workforce with NICET Certification

By Chip Hollis, NICET

Education Session

Professional Certification is a key component to developing a qualified workforce. Hear how AFAA and industry contribute to content and requirements. Learn how to get involved. Get guidance for each section of Experience Documentation (Work History, Performance Verification, Personnel Recommendation, Major Project); and see a walkthrough of the Online Portal for Testing, Experience Documentation, and Continuing Professional Development (Recertification). Plus, get the latest on updated Fire Alarm Systems exams expected to be available in March 2024. Participants will be able to: Complete or guide others through the application process and certification requirements—knowledge, experience, performance; efficiently prepare for the exam and find training (AFAA).

1 hour of continuing education available.


12:15pm – 1:45pm

Narragansett Ballroom

1st Floor

Lunch with Exhibitors

Networking Event

Open to Everyone

Join our Exhibitors for lunch!

Sponsorship opportunity available – contact Alex Strausser today if you are interested in sponsoring this event!

Exhibitors may tear down after lunch and education sessions resume.


1:45pm – 2:45pm

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

Highlighting the Significant Changes to NFPA 72, 2025 Edition

By Merton Bunker, Merton Bunker & Associates

Education Session

This presentation will cover the proposed significant changes to NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, 2025 edition. Major changes and the reasons for these changes will be highlighted.

1 hour of continuing education is available.


2:45pm – 3:45pm

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

Best Practices for Codes and Standards Adoption and Enforcement

By Bryan Holland, NEMA

Education Session

This session will examine the current status of codes and standards adoption and enforcement practices at the federal, state, and local level to ascertain how these practices impact safety and resiliency in the built environment. The attendees will evaluate several case studies to discover best practices in the adoption and enforcement of codes and standards while also identifying missed opportunities where improvements can be made. Roadblocks and barriers to codes and standards adoption and enforcement will be identified along with best practices to mitigate those challenges. Attendees will receive guidance information and other resources to promote and advocate robust and effective best practices for the adoption and enforcement of codes and standards. The presentation will include a mix of codes and standards analysis, case study review, and attendee interaction via electronic polls and a live Q&A session. The perspective of codes and standards adoption and enforcement from the viewpoint of a standards development organization will be shared. The session will conclude with a “call to action” for all AFAA members to participate and contribute to codes and standards adoption and enforcement practices within their communities.

1 hour of continuing education is available.


3:45pm – 4:00pm

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor


Sponsorship Available

Contact Alex Strausser for more details today!


4:00pm – 5:00pm

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

The Fire Alarm Industry’s Guide to Water-Based Fire Protection Systems

By Jason Webb, Potter Electric Signal

Education Session

Fire alarm and water-based fire protection (like fire sprinkler systems) systems work hand-in-hand to protect buildings and occupants from fire. But the scopes and purposes of the regulating documents differ in their approach to the problem. These differences are often understood and solved in the field, but a higher-level of understanding before drawings are created and systems are installed, tested, and maintained, can help reduce delays and prevent disputes before they ever happen. In this presentation, attendees will take a high-level look into the scope and approach of the standards regulating these systems and learn how to hopefully avoid problems before they occur.

1 hour of continuing education is available.


5:00pm – 11:59pm

Providence, RI

Free Time

On Your Own

Day 3 – Wednesday, May 1st


7:00am – 8:00am

Narragansett Ballroom

1st Floor


Networking Event

Open to Everyone

Fuel yourself for the day with breakfast!

Sponsorship opportunity available – contact Alex Strausser today if you are interested in sponsoring this event!


8:00am – 8:30am

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

AFAA Business Meeting

By Tom Parrish, AFAA President

General Session

Updates on the organization and our elections.


8:30am – 10:00am

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

NFPA 72 Retrospective – A Conversation with Wayne Moore

By Wayne Moore, Fire Protection Alliance & Larry Rietz, Jensen Hughes

Education Session

NFPA 72® National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code® has now been around for 30 years since first appearing as the National Fire Alarm Code in 1993.  This presentation will take a retrospective look at NFPA 72 through the eyes of Wayne D. Moore, who has served as a member of one or more technical committees of NFPA 72 since 1993 and served as Editor of the first five editions of NFPA’s National Fire Alarm Code Handbook.  This interview style presentation will feature in-depth stories of how the Code has changed over the years.  What does it actually take to put together the Code text, Annex material, and the commentary for the Handbook of the Code?  What are some of the major code changes that have occurred and what surprises have arisen over the years?  And what remains to be accomplished for fire alarm systems of the future?  Join us for this fascinating conversation about the first 30 years of NFPA 72.

1.5 hours of continuing education available.


10:00am – 10:15am

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

Coffee Break

Networking Event

Sponsorship Available

Contact Alex Strausser for more details today!


10:15am – 11:15am

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

Understanding Fire Service Access Elevators – Occupant Evacuation Elevator Systems

By Michael Ventola, Space Age Electronics

Education Session

FSAE are part of the Emergency Control Functions in certain buildings meeting a select set of criteria. This educational session will summarize the decision tree of prescriptive codes and relevant standards that direct the installation and use of these systems.

1 hour of continuing education available.


11:15am – 12:15pm

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

Updates from the NFPA and the Fire Protection Research Foundation

By Shawn Mahoney, NFPA & Jacqueline Wilmot, FPRF

Education Session

Come for an update on everything fire alarm at the NFPA and the Fire Protection Research Foundation, NFPA’s research affiliate. Learn the updates on the second draft of NFPA 72, the Fire and Signaling Code, and research projects undertaken by the Foundation relating to fire alarm and detection research. A highlight of future research needs specifically from the joint research planning meeting between AFAA board and FPRF Detection Council will also be provided.  This session will also provide the audience a quick overview of new offerings available from the NFPA to include training, content and a look into using NFPA LiNK’s DiRECT Navigation and enhanced content.

1 hour of continuing education available.


12:15pm – 1:15pm

Narragansett Ballroom

1st Floor


Networking Event

Open to Everyone


Sponsorship opportunity available – contact Alex Strausser today if you are interested in sponsoring this event!


1:15pm – 2:15pm

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

Summary of Key Changes to the 2024 ICC and NFPA Model Codes

By Tim Knisely, AFAA & Richard Roberts, Honeywell

Education Session

An informative 60 minute discussion that provides an overview of the new requirements in the International Code Council (ICC) model codes for in-building emergency responder communications, smoke detection, two-way stairway communication systems, pull stations, low frequency audible fire alarm signal, visual notification appliances, carbon monoxide (CO) detection systems, mass notification risk analysis for Group E occupancies, and lithium ion battery energy storage systems (ESS).

1 hour of continuing education available.


2:15pm – 3:15pm

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

Can’t We All Get Along – the Fire Protection Viewpoint of Contractors & Engineers

By Douglas Nadeau, RAN Fire Protection Engineering

Education Session

We have all been on a project where there is a disagreement between the contractor and engineer.  Why do Contractors and Engineers fight?  Aren’t we all in this for the same thing?  The answer may be surprising to some when they find out in most cases we have the same goals.  The conflict between contractors and engineers during construction might just be associated with viewpoints.  The purpose of this seminar is to give a perspective from both sides of the aisle.  We walk through the design and construction process, taking stops along the way to look at how a conflict can be averted between Contractors and Engineers.

1 hour of continuing education available.


3:15pm – 3:30pm

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor


Networking Event

Sponsorship Available

Contact Alex Strausser for more details today!


3:30pm – 4:30pm

Waterplace Ballroom

2nd Floor

Cyber Security in Emergency Communications Systems – Beyond the Manufacturers

By Michael Pallett, Pallett Corner Consulting

Education Session

This presentation makes the case that Cybersecurity for Emergency Communications Systems (ECS), including Fire Alarm Systems, Emergency Voice/Alarm Communication Systems (EVACS), and Mass Notification Systems (MNS), only starts with systems manufacturers.  ECS systems are part of a supply chain that goes backwards from the manufacturers to their suppliers, and forward through the engineering design teams, installation and service firms, inspectors, all the way to building owners and end users. 

1 hour of continuing education available.


4:30pm – 5:00pm

Omni Hotel

Free Time


Free time before of final networking event.


5:00pm – 8:00pm

Omni Hotel

Location coming soon

President’s Reception

Networking Event

Open to Everyone

Final networking opportunity and dinner. More details on the location will be released soon.

Annual Fire Expo Pricing

Annual Fire Expo Exhibitors

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